
The office of Abby Weeks, Tax Preparer is at 82 Morgan Hill Ln, Ste 2C Hermon, ME 04401-0664. Morgan Hill Lane is the road that leads to Morgan Hill Event Center off Route 2. Look for the dark red sign.

Coming from Bangor, follow Route 2 (Outer Hammond Street) to Hermon, past the intersections with Coldbrook Road and the Bog Road. The turn off is on the left. If you pass The Shop Inc., you've gone too far.

Coming from Hermon Corners, follow Route 2 past the shopping center. The turn off is on the right. If you pass Morita's School of Dance, you've gone too far.

Abby's office is in the lower level of the building. Look for the big green sign in the parking lot. There is ample parking and the office is wheelchair accessible.

The office is open for walk-in meetings 10:00am – 4:00pm, Monday – Wednesday, excluding holidays, and otherwise by appointment.